Daily Reads


We’re enjoying a little R&R (rest and reading) here at the Elzinga cottage today. Mr. E picked up Jonathan Martin’s, Giving Wisely? the other morning and has really enjoyed mulling over Martin’s perspective on giving. Over the past year it seems like we’ve been challenged time and time again by God to give more. And each time we give God has proven to be faithful in providing for our daily needs. We have been so blessed. We’re discovering you truly cannot out give God!

Similarly, I’ve been thinking about the lifestyle of excess we’re sometimes tempted towards and the wisdom behind simple living. After reading rav reviews on a friends blog the other day, I was inspired to pick up a copy of Jen Hatmaker’s book, Seven on this topic. And to my surprise I found it in Adelphia’s library yesterday! 🙂 I’m only two chapters in, but I’m enjoying Jen’s challenge and down-to-earth perspective on the topic.


It’s our prayer that God would help shape our perspective on stewardship and giving. We desire to “live simply so we can give generously.” However, it is oftentimes tempting to stray away from this perspective. Would you join us in praying that God will give us the discipline to start creating habits of giving and stewarding that would honor Him now?

Bithlo Update Tomorrow.

Mrs. E